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Freedom and Peace

Most listeners of my music say that it takes them to another world, which is big, open, and brings a feeling of freedom and peace to them. I do not really know how this happens, its not made up, but i have some ideas about it:

We all know that happyness cannot be bought and many observe that nature is the fundamental source we can get good energy from at any time. I love to walk in wild Brasil and watch the sun and admire creation, and this is the source of my music as well and animate and ease most listeners.

I live in a place where the indian's blood and spirit is still very present. Oposed to some romantic ideals, nature is unbalanced, unsteady and full of agression and fear, but mankind eliminated most external dangers, we only suffer from parasites and internal conflicts. We are at the end of the food chain and can move freely in nature and tend to abuse this power - the main concern of the indios. Maybe due to this view, my music has become more tribal in the past years...


Now you can listen and download my CD's at Bandcamp !

Not everyone has a credit card or Paypal, so to allow everyone to use this music, you have to choose the value you give this work.

recent recordings are on SoundCloud

Those recordings document the way to LOOP during 20 years, in two levels:
- the musical evolution
- the technologica evolution

AguArianA is a brand I created when I came to Salvador in 1994 to express the several elements of my music. I use it only for my meditational solo works, which the original release text still explain well.

To play with a partner is fundamentally different from playing solo. Its not just that the other adds something, the whole process of creation is different. Percussion has been the most interesting instrument range to complete my guitar wich (by looping) can do bass, harmony and melodies. So my most important partners of the last years were Giba Conceicao and Danilo Carvalho.