Imagine a guitar with both magnetic and PARADIS POLYPHONIC PIEZO PICKUP and active electronics. A new brilliant near acoustic sound can come out of its jack output. Now, there is a space in the guitar body, where a module can be plugged in: The POLYMODULE, that allows to connect this simple instrument to any of the existing and future guitar synthesizer or polyphonic system!

A Customer buys a standard guitar with a new piezo sound - forlittle more money and without any complication.

Sooner or later, he will want to profit from the polyphonicconstruction of his new pickup, connect a guitar synth, avoid thebattery - or simply wonder, what the blind plate next to the jacksocket is good for. Then he has a choice of POLYMODULES for around$100. Each one of them allows the connection to a guitar Synthesizeror polyphonic effect or simply to a power supply. Future systemscould immediately appear on the market with their POLYMODULE, so thebuyer does not need to buy a new guitar or fix the problem with gaffatape - thus the market for such systems becomes big! The followingPOLYMODULES we can easlily offer to start the idea:

Needless to say that such guitars will be bought not only for thepiezo sound, but also for the option of connecting them to guitarsynthesizers without having to modify the guitar and without thetroubles with the exact positions of a magnetic or optical polyphonicpickup. Its a true and strong selling argument (at a low cost) forthe guitars as well as the mentioned electronic manufacturers!

Once a new polyphonic guitar connection standard will beestablished (hopefully a worldwide one, this time!), obviously aPOLYMODULE to this standard will become available for the guitarsthat are already on the market - thus the standard will be introducedsoftly and quickly.

Matthias Grob