Examples of Brasilian Music

Obviously, the brasilian culture is too large to resume it on a page. Much of it is sufficianlty known.

I would like to add some songs you might not expect and the words that are worth translating.

Since neither protugues nor english is my my mother language, I hope this seed atracts more competent translators and connoissors of other brasiliand qualities...


Todos Nós (Gijs Andriessen - Musik, Juca Filho - Text, Claudio Nucci - Gesang)

Na calma de uma lua do Xingu
Debaixo do mistério do Equador
A história que um Cacique me contou
Sozinho numa rua de Paris
O brilho aventureiro de um olhar
Espíritos ciganos, todos nós

O sol em Nova Deli de manhã
É o mesmo que ilumina Amsterdan
E brilha nas trincheiras do Iran
No frio solitário de um Iglu
O abraço companheiro de um amigo Esquimó
E na verdade nunca estamos sós
O povo do planeta somos nós

Meninas lindas do Afeganistão
Crianças numa praia do Japão
O Tai-Chi nas praças de Pequim
Chorando o coração da África
Na vibração dos filhos de Xangô
Cantando a esperança e não a dor

No fundo todos Deuses são iguais
As línguas e as religiões
Se encontram no bater dos corações
O povo do planeta somos nós
Vivendo juntos mais uma vez
E na verdade nunca estamos sós
No fundo todos homens são iguais

We All

In the silence of the moon in Xingu (night in the valey of the amazon indios)
Below de misterious Equator
The story that a Chief told me
Alone in a street of Paris
The andventurous gloom in a face
Gipsy souls, we all have..

In the sun of New Delhi in the morning
Is the same that iluminates Amsterdam
And burns in the battlefields of Iran
In the lonely cold of an Iglu
the brother hug of a Eskimo friend
and truely we are never alone
the people of the planet are WE.

Pretty girls in Afganinstan
Kids at a beach of Japan
Tai-Chi in the parks of Peking
Wheeping the heart of Afrika
in the waves of the kids of Xangos (african saint of justice)
Enchanting hope and not pain

Basically all Gods are the same
The languages and religions
meet int the beat of the heart
The people of the planet are WE
Living together once again
and truely we are never alone
Basically all men are equal

Heavy Metall do Senhor (Zeca Baleiro)

O cara mais underground que eu conheco é o diabo
ele no inferno toca covers dos canções celestiais
com sua banda formada so por anjos decaidos
a plateia pega fogo quando rolam os festivais.

Enquanto isto Deus brinca de gangorra no playground
do ceu com santos que ja foram homens de pecado
de repente os santos falam: Toca Deus um som maneiro
e Deus fala: aguenta vou rolar um som pesado.

A banda cover do diabo acha que ja esta por fora
o mercado esta de olho é no som que deus criou
com trompetes distorcidos e harpas invenenadas
O mundo inteiro vai pirar com o Heavy Metall to Senhor

Heavy Metall of the Lord

The most "underground" guy I know is the Devil
in Hell he plays cover versions of the divine chants
with his band of fallen Angels
The public goes mad when the festivals roll...

While this, God plays a game in the playgound
of heaven, with the saints that have been men of sinns
Suddenly the saints say: God, run some decent sound!
And God sais: Just wait, Ill put on some heavy sound..

The Devils Coverband feels that they are out
the marked is keen on the sound that God created
with distorted trompets and modified harps
The hole world is crazy for the Heavy Metall of the Lord.

Ponto de Oxum (Luli e Lucina / Dercio Marques)

Olha a água do céu
Olha a água lá do céu
Cai do olhos de Iansã
Cai do ventre da manhã
Lava o leito de mamãe Oxum...

(Oxum is the african saint of the sweet waters)

Look at the water from heaven
Look at the water there from the sky
It falls from the eyes of Iansã
It falls from the wound of the morning
Wash the bed of Mother Oxum...

Onde navega o Ser (Bené Fonteles / Dercio Marques)

Dentro de minha alma
essa mania enfeitiçada de cantar canções
canto o desencanto que espanta
e encanta tantas ilusões
Au revirar baiões
um bocadinho ter
oficio de viver
no rio da tristeza
Embarca a alegria
e navega o ser

Quando eu canto
A alma deita
Sobre um rio
Corre manso
Claro sonho
Como um peixe
Suave escama
Som e pele
Todo ser que nada livre
sente o mar e adora a terra
Ama a lua
Alma n'água

Marlui Miranda und UAKTI: Tchori Tchori

I dont know what the indian words mean, but the colaboration of the indian decendent singer with the white band arround the instrument creator and composer Marco Antonio Guimarães certainly created interracial content.


There is nothing wrong about observations like "black people run quicker that the white". Its due to their phisical condition and the Olympic games proove it.

Also: "the black rob more than the white". Its due to their economical situation and statistically prooven.

Rassism starts when someone transfers such observation to a single individual!

Whether a person is a thief or not has nothing to do with statistics and decendence but only with his unique personality.
"You are black and thus must be a good sprinter" is not logic and can hurt and misguide
But even who once sais something like that should not be called a rassist since not everyone who drinks a beer is an alcoholic either.

The real rassist is convinced that one race has a higher value than another. This is dangerous, wrong and hopefully rather fading away.

So we are allowed to speak about racial tendencies because they are real, and we should live with them, love, valorize and respect them and comprehend the downsides that any tendency of any race has.

The tabu as dangerous as rassism itself.

M. Grob, 1999